GIK Acoustics summer contest!

Hey guys,

Sorry if you find this annoying. I usually don’t do things like this...
I just treated my entire room using products from GIK focussing mostly on diffusion and corner bass traps.
Can you vote for my system as best new system on the GIK website so I can win first prize?!?!?
Please check my system under "Basement Sanctuary" to see the photo I submitted to GIK for the contest.
It's the beige room with two black subs and center white expanded polystyrene diffusors.
All you need to do is click on link above, find and click on my system image from the gallery, and then just click on star at bottom left to cast vote. No typing necessary!


Mike , amazing room and setup. Stunning,man. Wish you could have won. I placed an order with GIK . Hope to set it up soon. Fingers crossed it all works out.
My room is new construction in the basement and presently it sounds like I am in a tin can. I didn't expect it to sound this bad.Hopefully the treatments make the room listenable .



No, but I was a finalist!
The room I had before was heavily treated with absorption, so it's pretty night and day difference. Basically, the room is livelier without losing clarity. But I think I'm still not 100% dialed in. I plan to move things around some more to see what changes take place. I still consider it a work in progress.