Getting the cartridge weight setting right... Rega RP10

So, I have been listening to my Rega RP10 through my Conrad Johnson preamp and amp, and have liked the sound of it quite a bit.  Today I received an inexpensive stylus pressure gauge and found that I was at 1.89, which I thought was pretty good for hand measured.  Anyway, I reset the weight at the correct 1.75 gram setting.  Soundstage immediately became wider and deeper.  It sounded like a multi-thousand dollar upgrade.  Cost $18.00.

So, for those of you who are wondering if getting the cartridge pressure right-- it matters-- a lot.  I am glad i didn't wear out a cartridge prematurely, but am really happy with my $18.00 investment-- Truly, it sounded like I had just dropped $5,000.  Happy listening to all.
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Showing 1 response by folkfreak

@liamowen now you  are a convert to the need to set VTF very accurately you should invest in the Rega scale. It’s quite the best one currently available