getting into streaming

So after many years of playing cd's, I'm considering getting into streaming music. I would prefer to use the DAC in my accuphase CD player; my question is I assume any streamer would require something additional to control it (smart phone, tablet etc) but I'm wondering if there is something out there that has its own controller to use to surf for songs, so I don't have to buy anything else to use it


Showing 2 responses by audiotroy

Almost every streamer has an app that is compatible with an iPhone or android.

however, a tablet is usually the best


A Roon device can be controlled by a pc or laptop as well


the streamers all differ in terms of features and sound quality. and of course price


there are a number of steps in choosing such a device.

1 do wish to access my current CDs i.e. would I like a server which can access my library?


even with streaming having a stored library is great.

one: there are cds not online.

Two by having a library you will remember everything you like.

some servers come with rippers some do not.

what kind of digital output do I require?

what streaming content do I want to utilize?

Roon devices offer tidal and quobuzz

blue sound offers many services but they don’t sound as good as more expensive devices


Do I need Bluetooth or Airplay or chrome for the ability to access content or apps not on the streamer


We import the remarkable 432evo servers into the us.

our servers are full Roon cores and endpoints you just hook up a usb cable to your dac.

we have tested or been dealers for most major streamers: we have sold or sell bluesound, lumin Aavik,Innous aurender naim Atoll Baetis 432Evo.

Please feel free to contact us.

dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

Streaming specialists

vinyl we are a mytek dealer the manhatten and empire are reference products from mytek the brooklyn is a starter line



ooddiofyl  our 432evo servers far outperform Innous and are upgradable our7800 Aeon matched the 25k innous statement with uprgaded power supply.


ghdprentice we did a shootout Aeon vs 12k aurender n20 the Aeon was far better.


we have a wimi pro in for testing this thing barely works streams tidal and quobuzz okay through app tidala and quobuz conect dont work at all spotify doeesnt work tidal does seen to sound decent


the dts play fi stuff is garbage denon  heos is also poor


our take away bluesound node still best under 1k

over 1k lumin innous aurender

really goood streaming is generally 3k and above

Dave and Troy

Audio intellect nj

Streaming specialists