Getting into Opera... need advice

I have never listened to much opera, but have lately been accidentally encountering it, and decided its time to dip my toe into the water.

I am interested in starting with something that has a very melancholy, introspective feel to it. Something slower... not too sprightly.

I guess that desire leads me to believe that I should look for a tenor, but if someone has a recording that features a female vocalist that they think would fit the bill, I will be receptive to such a suggestion.

Oh, and I have a CD-only rig. No vinyl or high resolution capabilities.

Thanks very much for the help.

Showing 1 response by ellery911

I think that If you really want to get into opera you have to see it also so I agree with the above suggestion about renting videos...or better yet...depending on where you live or can travel, go see the operas live...I have seen a dozen or so and find that it can be very hit or miss...but the experience is so much more than just the music...same way as a Grateful Dead show (with Garcia)...unless you go, you really dont get the whole experience.