getting into DAC ..need help

hi Guys,
i have decided to change my digital gear.I am currently using the EAD ultradisc 2000. heard lot of good thing about the Bel canto dac 1,so what do you think about using my EAD as a transport with the Bel canto? is this an upgrade? downgrade? or am i just moving sideway?..option B is using the bel canto dac1 + a cheap transport(sony,denon,philips..etc..)another option is an EAD DAC 7000mk3 series(any one have any experience with this EAD DAC?)..since i have no clue about DAC and Transport..please help and guide me to the right direction before i spend a ton of money moving in the wrong direction..thank you

Showing 1 response by poetcatullus

If you really like your EAD 2000, I would just leave well enough alone. If your don't really like it; I would sell it and try another one-box player that you like better.

These decision are never easy. Good luck!