Getting back into venal with a $2,000 budget.

Targeting $1,500 for TT and $500 for phono preamp. Current 2 channel set up is made up of all ARCAM FMJ, C31 preamp, 2 P1 power amps, CD36 CD player and Energy Veritas V2.4 floorstanding speakers.

Considering used Marantz TT 15S1 with Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood cartridge, Butcher Block Acoustics Audio Isolation Platform and dust cover all for $1,100. Or New Rega Planer 3 with Exact 2 cartridge for $1,395. The phono preamps I’m considering are Parasound Zphono XRM or Rega Fono MM Mk5.

Also open to other suggestions that would be in the $2,000 price range. 

Sorry about “Venal” should obviously be “Vinyl”. My iPad and stylus don’t always play nice and work against me sometimes.  Lol


Showing 2 responses by jpwarren58

Getting into vinyl is more than a table. Alignment tools, record cleaner, and buying the albums. Your budget just will not do. 

I have no problem with you taking the plunge but it can be expensive. When most of us played albums in out youth our main concern was not audio quality.  Having now gone down the audiophile path vinyl represents, to me at least, at least a $15,000 investment. And that does not include all the fiddling and time a tt deserves to sound its best. I have an old Thorens that needs some attention but I am passing. Mt tt setup just does not sound as good as my digital. Plus I am all thumbs. It would be interesting to ascertain what others have spent on their entire tt setup. 

5-10. Table.

5-10. Arm

500-1000  cartridge

1-5 phono pre-amp

500 cabling

500-1000 record cleaner

100-500 alignment tools

100-500 platform

2-5 albums

Power supply, clamps, brushes, strobes, lights, the list can be endless.  

But the rewards can be sublime.