Getting back into digital. Please help.

Need help on something that can compete with my vinyl. I haven't paid much attention to digital the last several years and haven't a clue what is good or sound characteristics of certain brands other than Naim.

No dealers where I live so used market. Hopefully I can get something with warranty left. Price range $5K or less. SACD is nice but not a dealbreaker.

System is 300B amp or a 45 amp into Altec Model 19s. Preamp is also tube - 76/6F8G based. 300B amp has gain pots and enough gain that can take digital source direct.

Current CD is ten year old Technics player. Smooth but uninvolving and nothing like the Naim CD5/Flatcap combo we have upstairs (awesome). Also tried the playstation...same sort of sound as the Technics.

Showing 1 response by 4musica44107

IMHO, nothing competes with a good vinyl front end. If you are looking to spend up to $5K used, you should be able to find an ARC CD7. That would be my first recommendation. Or you might want to try a Rega Saturn combined with a good DAC.

The best digital I have heard so far is Naim's new HDX but at $8300 that is outside of your stated price range. As much as I love vinyl and even though I really enjoy my ARC CD7, if I happened on a used Naim HDX in the $5K to $6K range, I would nab it. Extraordinary sound. The closest thing to vinyl I have ever heard. And the convenience features are numerous and user-friendly.