Getting a new electrical panel for the house.

Is there a certain SquareD model that you guys recommend over others and while it’s being replaced is there anything I should ask him to do while we’re there?


I’ve already got my dedicated 20amp runs to my room so I’m good there. 

Whole house surge maybe?

Post removed 

Use a 4  wire with 2 ground 1 insulated ,isolated ground ,with a separate buzz bar in the breaker box ,and I use awg10:less resistance and my old electrician audio friend put in 30 amp silver breakers from Siemens in Germany  which were very hard to get and over $100 with shipping much better then the thin $7 copper ones that oxydize and need to be replaced every 5 years ,that’s a good rule of thumb .

my brother tried getting the industrial Silver breakers and this year could no longer get ,par for the course with supply chain , but well worth the effort , these things alone a Much purer blacker background .

Make sure a permit is pulled for the work 

being done. Also make sure it's inspected by

the City or County having jurisdiction weed out 

the DIY people if you have a problem later they

will just say "I am not a real electrician" I know some

stuff! See it often Be careful who you hire.

Like  @audioman58  indicated - see what they can do to up their ground. We use 200% neutral panels. Double ground is similar idea. I’d also add a nema pullbox just as they leave the panel and run the building ground through it. This would give some future options. Isolation transformer in the future if needed. 

I’d also ask for load balancing unless it’s 120 coming in -  and power quality monitoring for a week after install with waveform capture. They usually have or can rent the equipment to do these tests. It’s amazing what comes out of the plant sometimes and it’s an opportunity to see what you have. 


what does this do?


I’d also ask for load balancing unless it’s 120 coming in -  and power quality monitoring for a week after install with waveform capture. They usually have or can rent the equipment to do these tests. It’s amazing what comes out of the plant sometimes and it’s an opportunity to see what you have.