Get a new CD player or external DAC?

Currently my digital sources are Cambridge Audio 540C V2 and Squeezebox (SB3) connected to Krell KAV-400xi with Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speakers.

I would like to upgrade my digital source, i.e. CA 540C V2, something puzzle me whether should i get a new CD player or external DAC with budget of USD 1,500?

I wish to get advise from you and your recommendation either CD player or external DAC.

Advantage of external DAC will be i can connect my the other digital source, i.e. SB3.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by myraj

Check out the TADAC by Tube Audio Designs.
Qualifier: I have no association with them/TAD other than being a satisfied user of their product.
Good Listening!