Get a new CD player or external DAC?

Currently my digital sources are Cambridge Audio 540C V2 and Squeezebox (SB3) connected to Krell KAV-400xi with Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speakers.

I would like to upgrade my digital source, i.e. CA 540C V2, something puzzle me whether should i get a new CD player or external DAC with budget of USD 1,500?

I wish to get advise from you and your recommendation either CD player or external DAC.

Advantage of external DAC will be i can connect my the other digital source, i.e. SB3.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by auronthas

Thanks for all response, your recommendation will be further studied for consideration. I forgot to mention my music taste is towards musical, warm rather detail and analytical.

@Chewy - CA 840C is in my first priority list as it serves as CD player + external DAC (with its digital input).

@Mimberman - Though i have ripped all my CDs into lossless files, i still listen to my CDs occassionally, in term of ratio between SB3 and CA 540C, it's approximately 60 : 40.

@Dokosan - Benchmark DAC1 USB is my first choice of external DAC, is it more musical, warm produced by your system after adding Benchmark DAC1 USB? What is the different between Benchmark DAC1 USB and Benchmark DAC1 Pre? The obvious i can see, the latter provides more digital inputs.

@Tobias - Noted, digital cable (coaxial or toslink) is crucial. What about analog cable (analog output from external DAC to amplifier)? Krell KAV-400xi provides balanced analog input (XLR/AES).

Thanks for all response, it's very helpful indeed. Now my task is to audition with various external DACs on my setup.

I am not from US nor Europe. Most of the time, our local hifi suppliers/agents not allow us to bring external DACs home for audition, that's why i need some advise from experts here. If you have almost the same setup as mine, your advise is very useful to me.

What about Cambridge Audio DACmagic? Is it warmer than Benchmark DAC1, Bel Canto 3? Is there any technical data or specification (such as THD, S/N ratio, etc.)to determine the warmth of external DAC?

Thanks again.