Gershman Grande Avant Garde

Anybody here have any experience with these and what it will take power wise to get the most out of them? Thanks in advance 



Thanks for the help. I looked up your amplifier specs after the fact and whoa what a beast that is.

I am sure there are many other $10Ki-ish speakers out there to consider, but  so far, I don't have any complaint on my current setup. If I have enough spare money, I'd like to try amps like VAC 450 with Gershman, but it is far from reach. I'd rather spend more time/money/effort on listening to music.

Let us know what systems you end up having.

I have the Luxman 507 ux and am also looking at the Gershman GAG speakers. I think if it is not enough power I can use the Luxman for the top and power the bass with one of the Crown amps which is where they do best. 

I just heard the Gershman GAG speakers at the NYC show and definitely in my top 3 of sounds I heard at the show.  These are quintessential “fly under the radar” speakers that are a must listen along with Verity Audio and Usher speakers.  At this price level I’d also consider the Joseph Audio Perspectives along with Vandy and ProAc speakers as they are all in my top pantheon of speakers in this price range.