Gerrard GT 10

My 90 year old in laws are downsizing.  They have offered me their turntable, which probably hasn’t been used since 1990.  I’m not a vinylista, but I do have a Project Phono pre amp with usb output, and I have identified a few albums in a local resale shop that have never been digitalized that I would like to hear.  First step would be to just play the albums, then I may try to record them to a flash to transfer to my Melco NAS.
  I’ve been warned that the belt may be rotted out at that vintage, and I wouldn’t risk the stylus on any vinyl, so I am contemplating a decent but not to expensive mm cartridge, and that, along with any other useful advice, is what I seek to find here.  Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

There is no disgrace in being purely digital. If I did not have so many albums I probably would not get started with it. It is an expensive PITA and is seen by many as a badge of honor. It is amazing that it can sound as good as it does but I have no problem with hi res downloads. The only downside is it is too easy for me to over-spend my welcome:-)