Genesis servo-bass amplifiers

My question is directed at owners (past or present) of the following Genesis models: 1.1, 201, 350, & 350SE.

Have any of you experienced problems with the bass amp shutting down due to transient overloads?

The bass amps included with these speakers have a protection circuit which may trip due to either a transient or thermal overload. Each failure mode is described below:

Transient Overload:
- Amplifier runs cool to warm to the touch but protection circuit trips excessively
- Often occurs with electronic music (e.g. rap/hip hop) on particular tracks only
- Amp will immediately turn back on but may trip again moments later
- Minor reductions in volume (-3dB) typically have no effect (amp will still trip)

Thermal Overload:
- Amplifier runs hot to the touch during heavy use and protection circuit trips
- Amp will not turn back on until it cools down (may take up to 30 minutes)

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced the transient overload case, and if they've found a way to eliminate it.

I understand that the thermal overload case means the amplifier is at maximum power, and the only way to fix it is to turn the volume down.

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I have Genesis 201s and experienced a similar issue. Given the vintage of these speakers (over 10 years old) the amplifier power supply capacitors begin to fail. A competent local technician checked it out. The power supply capacitors were shot and needed replacement. $300 later I got the amp back and it is positively fantastic. No further problems whatsoever.

The design and execution of these speakers are so far ahead of their time there are few to compare even today. Have your amp power supply checked out it it will likely need some attention.

The only other suspect could be bass amp cable deterioration although this is more remote. Once this issue is resolved you will be thrilled with the performance!