General question about tube preamps and gain

I have a (possibly moronic) question unrelated to my previous thread. This is a general question about tubes and gain.

So say you buy a tube preamp and it sounds clean and clear. You decide you want that dark, syrupy sound (classic tube sound?). So you buy tubes that impart this sound on the signal and install them.

Now installed, you notice that the more you turn the preamp volume up, the more the tubes impart that sound on the signal. But you can’t play it loud. 
So could you, theoretically, put attenuators (lets say -10db) between said preamp and the power amp to lower the output signal which you’d then turn the volume up and drive the tubes a little harder to impart more of the tube’s sound at lower levels?

I hope this makes sense. It does in my head but that don’t mean much.


Showing 9 responses by gochurchgo

In my mind it makes sense. But then I don’t have any actual knowledge so maybe I’m way off.
This has nothing to do with the preamp I just bought. There was a discussion I had with an acquaintance which is why I ask. It has nothing to do with me personally.

i was asked the question and I said that it seemed to me that by dropping the out put 10db the added volume to make it up might add more of the tube coloration.
So it sounds like my hypothesis was wrong. Which is fine. And I appreciate the feedback as always. 
So semi-on topic question then is what’s the point of adding attenuators between amp and preamp?  Just curious.
@tooblue  do you find that driving the tubes harder adds to the sound?

the 3B was a preamp I was looking at on the used market after glowing reviews and good words on forums about it.
While this question isn’t about my preamp
specifically, I’ll play devil’s advocate and use it for reference.

Lets say the preamp comes stock with 12AT7 JJ’s.
Thanks. I don’t know where my acquaintance was headed with his question. I feel like my new preamp sounds fuller as I turn it up but I thought that with the passive I had before so..

anyway, interesting things to think about here.
@f917025  I was under the impression though the pin outs are the same you cannot swap 12AT7 for 12AU/X7 tubes.

@mkgus  so if one were to do this, Would driving the tubes bring out more of what that particular tube imparts on the sound?

yes theoretically?