Genelex Gold Lion KT-88 reissued tubes

Has anyone purchased these tubes and what are your impressions of the sound?
Well, let me provide a little different perspective. I've tried the KT-88 Gold Lion re-issues, and and sad to report their reliablity is very suspect.

I've had four different tubes go out, all withn 100 hours of use. They either experience bias runaway (get cheery red), or they perform a very intensive blue light show, which will promptly take out the associated bias resistor.

All in all, while they do sound good, what good is that if they dont last, and take out your parts? I checked with a well respected audio shop in New York, and they more or less told me the same thing.

So, with that in mind, whats one to do? My stash of GE 6550A won't last forever, so I'm looking for a good sounding RELIABLE 6550/KT88 type that sounds as good as the GE tube. I have one set of 6550C from late 95, and while they are okay, they are not in the same class as the GE. Any suggestions?
SED(Wing C)6550's. Rugged, dependable, excellent quality. I've had one bummer in the past 10 years and it was too hot to bias in properly so it never got used. I bought it about 7 years ago but didn't use if 'til about 3 years ago. No other problems before or after. No shorts or premature deaths. Excellent bass, linear thru the mid range and if anything a bit, but not much, soft in the highs (something that helps sometimes with some bright sources).

BTW, re the KT88's, are you by any chance the same fella that Jim McShane is talking about in AudioAsylum who lost 4GL's?

While I have had better luck than you with the Gold Lion KT88 re-issues I have also had excellent luck with The Tungsol 6550 re-issues. I am currently running them in 3 amps a CA50 ARC, Antique Sound Labs MG SI 15DT(single ended) and a McIntosh MA2275 all (so far) without problem. I too use the GE 6550's as my reference (I am down to my last well used quad) and the Tungsol's are the closest tubes I have heard to the GE6550 sound. I probably have 700>1000 hours on the pair in the ASL amp without problems. The CA50 will be the acid test however as it is brutal on it's tubes. Currently I probably have about 100 hours on that quad. Good luck.
Geesh, spoke to soon. 3 out of 4 Gold Lion reissue's failed within days of each other. Think I got about 7 months out of them. Liked the sound, not happy with reliability.
Fred, I was just curious: where did you buy those GL's?

As I said, I've not had a chance to compare the GL's w/ the Penta KT88SC's (it's about 50/50 which one people like better) but I've never heard of reliability problems with the Pentas. You might want to give them a try the next time. . . . . . . and they're a little less money too!