Genelec SAM active studio monitors for home use

Wondering if anyone has experience with Genelec SAM monitors in their home. They are meant for near field listening, but I wonder if they can fill a room if seated 8-10 feet away. These speakers have room correction and coaxial design. On paper it seem very promising. Please share any first hand experience. Not looking for opinions, but first hand demos in store or feedback from owners. 

My last post on this forum was a disaster. Giving it another try. Mentioning it just in case the same trolls strike again.

Showing 1 response by audiocanada

I want the largest pair of SAMs in the line and plan on getting them some day

they are available for audition and even full refunds at most of the musician shops, they also turn up every one in a while in my local used market from the studio guys

see how they rank below using a Klippel  Scanner

Genelecs have a history, build quality, and reliablility factor on par with anybody

many owners refer to them as end game

there are benefits to studio monitors and PA systems (active speakers in general) that most people here would not be familiar with unless you have experienced them