Genalex GL GZ-34 Rectifier...Did I just get a bad one? Five months seems

like a terribly short lifespan. I bought it in May and spent the extra money to get a "good" tube. It sounded good while it lived. But it went in a fiery inferno last weekend.  Fortunately it only took out a fuse.

It was running in a Bob Latino VTA ST-70 Dynaco amp. It's a great amp but runs the rectifier a bit hard from my understanding. However the original tube lasted at least 3-4 yrs IIRC. I tried a SS rectifier. YUK!! I put the tube (a spare Sovtek) back in place I've had good luck with the KT-66 Genalex GL's and they have a good reputation (I think). Is this just the luck of the draw. IOW, even a new tube can have a short life span? Or is this odd? Is there any way to avoid it? I'd buy another Gennalex GL if it will last. But I can buy 2 Sovteks for the price of one GL. Sovtek sounds good too.

FWIW, The tube that failed was cryo treated. Could that make a difference in a rectifier tube? As always, Thanks for your help.
OK…now I'm devoting my bitcoin windfall fortune to cornering the vintage rectifier market…ah…the power...
Hi , thanks for sharing . My Had Inspire came with the same tube . I’ve had zero issues with mine . I did have a new production GL KT-77 , with about 100 hours let go . I didn’t blow a fuse , I blew 2 caps and a resistor and the explosion broke a terminal strip too . IMO it’s not the sellers fault , just the field we play on ( bad luck ). I have NOS Tubes Too, RCA 5U4GB, Phillips 5AR4Y, Mullard GZ -37 coke bottle, Mullard GZ-32.  I’ve really come to like the RCA. In musician terminology “ I Get More Sag “. The lower plate voltage ( my amp is self bias ), gives me a richer, more mellow sound . But it lowers my output a little .  If you like the way your amp sounds now ( seeet amp BTW ). Get the NOS Mullard GZ-32, maybe $100. They usually last forever. I would consider setting your bias lower , but ask the expert that built it . Also the NOS Mullard GZ-37 ( coke bottle ) is more powerful . I bought one from Upscale Audio . Ask the experts , but I think the old Dynaco came with the Mullard fx32, you can’t do much better , and it’s money well spent . They are plentiful and are labeled RCA too. They have a small hole in the centering pin when you turn them over. Also a smoother sound then the GL. Happy Listening , Mike. 

Yeah I have simple needs.  I have a fully modded Modwrite Oppo UDP205 with Modwright PS 9.0 I've been using roughly 6 months. The Sovtek 5ar4 rectifier in the PSU has blown twice,  the first time it took out its own fuse ans well as my power conditioner's fuse. That was after less that 2 weeks  of having in my system. The second just recently blowing the PSU fuse only.  What gives? are the Sovteks electical specs so lowsy they don't work with this board design or is the likely a flaw in the PSU board. I have gone on to NOS Mazda/Phillips 5R4GYS. This is a beautiful tube it just oozes quality and sounds great.


I have the same set up with no rectifier issues. However, I never used any Sovtek tubes, only a Sophia Electric 274B mesh plate and a NOS CV 717 rectifier that is the same as a 5R4GY tube. Since you have not had issues with your NOS Mazda, I would say that the Sovtek tubes are unable to handle the juice that the rectifier needs. I highly recommend Sophia Electric for new production tubes.