Gauging interest in a 2008 Continuum Caliburn

Hello All,


I have been contacted by the widow of a fairly well known audio manufacturer and importer.  She has asked for assistance with selling a 2008 Model Caliburn.  It was used at a few CES shows from 2008 until 2012.  It is stored in the flight cases and there are also some additional boxes with the wood shelves, vacuum motor etc.  it will be a lot of work to unpack, set up and test the 'Table.  IT includes the arm, and optional base.  Unsure if it has the  Minus K platform.   I am really at this point gauging the interest level in a world class but older 'Table.


Located in an Atlanta area suburb.


Showing 1 response by mijostyn

A turntable that expensive by a small manufacturer that has been discontinued is a very hard sell. Hi Fi gear is a terrible investment. The more you spend the worse it gets.