Garage Band Hangover

Hey has anybody on this site been on the website Garage Band Hangover?

Very cool site if you are into 60s obscure( is there any
other type?) garage bands. 100s of bands and 1000s of songs
that you can listen. In fact some of the songs would rival
most of the garage bands that charted. Vestells, Werps,
Humans, the Bucaneer's,Abstrack Sound, the Centurys, and
one of my favs: Pat Wallace's song: Fill the Hole ( gee
I wonder what that is about?) The Werps use of the trumpet
as a solo instrument with a Hammond B3 whipping it up.
Forgot how great the Hammond grooved with the garage sound!
All the songs are the same 3 chords as Gloria or Louie, Louie: E-A-D. Tons of teenage angst. Bragging rights. What is so cool about real garage band music, no Beatle re-treads ( or so little of it). Just kids that wanted to get laid, party all night and get revenge for the girls that cheated on know real music as signals for self identification for a teenager of the 60s!

BTW: the site is divided up into states so you can look up who was who in the 60s for your state. I identified more with the NorthEast garage sound than I did the California psychedelic garage band sound. I was also surprised at the dearth of bands from the NorthWest, since that was the home of the Sonics, Paul Revere, and the Kingsmen. Texas really surprised me with the number of garage bands as well. Some of them were really rocking!

So who was your obscure fav garage band of the 60s?

Showing 1 response by zaikesman

Good on ya, SM! For an audiophile, you're alright. Speaking of Texas, check out the Moving Sidewalks' version of "I Want To Hold Your Hand". (Yes, the Beatles are my #1 band of all time -- and most of this great American garage stuff you're talking about wouldn't have existed without them invading our shores first.) The organ wasn't usually a Hammond however, but more commonly a cheaper and more portable Farfisa or Vox (the sainted Sonics, with keys-masher Gerry Roslie, being perhaps the most notable exception).
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