Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 

Showing 1 response by kijanki

AddPowr’s explanation doesn’t make any sense to me and yes, it sounds like snake oil. Power factor correction in my Furman Elite 20PFI conditioner consists of huge inductor in series followed by large capacitor. It is designed to store energy for huge current peaks drawn by the amp. Most of the linear power supplies draw current in very short spikes of big amplitude (causing big voltage drops). Perhaps AddPowr’s device consists of something similar (inductor+capacitor), while their explanation about harmonics is designed purely to impress. It is also possible it’s just a placebo effect, but there is nothing wrong with it, as long as it lasts. Either way - if you like it then enjoy it and don’t think too much.