Gallo Reference3 back orders

Has anyone recently taken delivery of Gallo Ref3 speakers? When did you place the order? Gallo is filling back orders on a first come first served basis. I ordered a pair on March 14th and am trying to figure out when they will be delivered. Neither my vendor nor Gallo will commit to anything!
As of May 20th they were just completing the January orders and planned to have those out by end of May. It is running nearly 4 months right now. I have been very lucky, my dealer is very responsive in gathering additional information and status updates. Hang in there, it is going to be worth the wait!
The audiophile industry seems to be like no other in how long it takes to fill orders. Waits of months is the norm in my experience. It's not a hobby for the impatient.
I ordered my Ref 3 speakers on November 10 2004. They arrived about 3 weeks ago. I also ordered the SA amp which isn't due to arrive until sometime in June. Hang in there guys they are very impressive speakers and well worth the wait!
I too am considering these speakers as they appear to be huge giant killers. Under 3 grand new for 34hz bass, add the other amp and 22 hz for about 4 grand or so. Of course I am also skeptical of breaking the laws of physics and marketing. Will have to listen definitely. As an aside I am also considering Hyperion 938's and the Von Schweikert line. Legacy's Focus went down the tubes although I really wanted them prior to listening. They had more bottom than my Matrix 804's and a better tweeter but they did not have the midrange or openess I get from my B&W's. Any tips about any of these speakers let me know.