Gallo Reference 3 vs. Spendor S8 vs. Harbeth Super

I am upgrading my speakers, Klipsch Heresy's,and have auditioned Gallo Reference 3 and Spendor S8. There is not a Harbeth dealer nearby but am considering a used pair of Super HL5's. Have a creek 5350se and denon 2910. Listen to classical,jazz,folk . Appreciate your thoughts and experience with any of these.

Showing 1 response by dgordonl

Gallo Ref3's were fantastic the week I had them to demo.
They do take some correct room setting up,but when locked in they shine.
I do prefer them with woofers out,and 36" from back wall,and facing straight foward,with about 1/2inch front raise for my room...15x21 listening area.Towing them in about 1 or 2 inch makes them more focused if you like a small club effect.Imaging is unbelieveable. For the price its a no brainer.
I am waiting for my dealer to get in the Spendor S8e for a demo.But think the Gallo's will be better.I am not fimilar with the Klipsch.
There is a company called Bright Star Audio that make special stands for them to add some height to them.Side wall placement of speakers is important and the starting formula is (room width divided by 18 then multiplied by 5 and then multiplied by 12) which gives you starting distance in inchs to center of speakers.