GALLO Reference 3 Owners

I had the pleasure from my local dealer to demo at home for a week the Gallo Reference 3 speakers with the BAM Bass amp.
I have to say I am impressed.Not bad for for the price point.The SA amp is a must add on for them,and I would recommend the Bright Star Stands..even though I don't have them I did raise them up 6 inchs on blocks.Way better imaging and seperation,and placement of insturments...Anyway the only (slight) fault I have noticed is somewhat of a resonance and brightness from the mid range spheres.I would like to know if anyone else picked up on this observation?
What I did was to add some electrical tape strips to the midrange spheres.On the top ones put a piece from one side to the other in the middle of the stainless sphere,and on the bottem ones I put a strip on either side at mid point of the stainless sphere..
Worked great...Better midrange focus,detail,and no more resonance with that brightness especially with guitars.
Since I do have somewhat of a big room,I liked the crossover set to 120(some might like 100 because there is a hole between lower mid and upper bass)and I have the Booster Control set to +3.
Speakers really locked in nice....
Looking foward to hearing from other Gallo Ref 3 owners and their experiences.


Showing 1 response by jeffreyds


I have owned my Gallo Ref 3's for about a year and a half, and am completely satisfied with their performance. I have not experienced the resonance and brightness you suggest. I wonder if it might be caused by any of your associated equipment. What were you using besides the SA amp? FWIW, I have found that the Gallos work particularly well with tube amps. Also, I do not currently use the SA amp. It was not available when I bought the Gallos and I never got around to buying one. Based on your recommendation, maybe I'll give one a try.

I switched from Quad ESL-63s to the Gallos, and have not seriously considered changing speakers since, although I do think the Zu Druids sound intriguing...
