Gallo Reference 3.1; What integrated amp?


I am a proud owner of a pair of Gallo Reference 3.1 speakers. I'm now in the market for a new integrated amplifier with a good phono stage or an additional separate phono stage (cartridge is a Sumiko Blackbird MC)

Unfortunately where I live there are virtually no stores that carry really high end hi-fi gear so I can actually go have a listen and I've been doing all of my research on the net.

I would love some opinions of what you think would be a good match for the Gallo's, amplifier and separate phono stage if required. My budget is up to around $3000-4000, hopefully less.

I've read really good reviews about the Copland CTA 405, a hybrid, which apparently has a good phono stage as well. I was also looking into the Primare I30 which is a high current amp with oodles of power but no phono stage. In tubes Cary Audio SLI-80 looks interesting as well and Eastern electric M520 seems a bargain. What do you think? What would you recommend as a phono stage?

I hope I am not derailing the thread with my enquiry about the Gallo SA bass amp.
I am really tempted by the possibility of having the subwoofer in some way inside tha main speakers and get rid of my very bulky one.
I also intend to use it for movies, besides 2-channels duties. The only problem is that here in England it costs a lot more (around US$2000) but I think I will give it a go anyway.
The two posts above are very encouraging
I haven't heard the SA, so I am only speculating here. But wouldn't activiating the 2nd voice coil introduce more vibration to the whole speaker? Not sure if it affects the sound at all. But if I could feel the rumble from my seat, the other drivers would feel it too. I would think that isolating any extraneous vibration is always better thus all these vibration isolation tweaks. My personal choice is to have them seperate.
You have a valid point Kkm, it would introduce more vibration. I don't know if anyone has a more expert opinion on this.

As a follow up, I ended up order the Primare I30 and Primare R20 phono stage and will post my impressions with the Gallo's when I receive the amplifier.
I haven't experienced any degradation of the sound due to the second voice coil being active. They still have very stable imaging, and a deep soundstage, but now with bass into the mid 20 Hz range in my room. Structurally, I feel the design is very well thought out.
Anthony Gallo uses Spectron Musician III Signature to voice Reference 3 speakers and even displayed this amp CES 2007 at Las Vegas. He is not alone, many other speaker manufacturers also uses the Musician III amp.
Its not integrated preamp but you can find inexpensive TVC passive preamp to match it.