Gallo Acoustics

I recently purchased a pair of Gallo Classico CL-4's and a CL-S 12" sub for use with my home theater system [powered by an Emotive 7.1 channel pre-amp & 3rd generation 7-channel amp].  They sound AMAZING!  The imaging is precise & the enormity of the soundstage is impressive. 

Experience with this combination has inspired me too purchase a pair of Gallo Reference 3.1 floor-standing speakers.  I plan to drive these with a Parasound 2100 2.1 channel pre-amp and a 2250 v2 stereo amp, bi-wired.

Anyone else out there a fan of Gallo Acoustics?  Care to ruminate over your experiences, good & bad?  Any pitfalls or cautions I need to be cognizant of with the 3.1's?
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Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

I had a pair of 3.1 and do not remember them having any lack of bass at lower volume, quite the opposite in fact in my system.

I never hooked up the woofer to additional amp as already had too much bass for my room so saw no point in that all.

I sold them as in my room and system I just could not tame the excessive bass output