Gallo 3.1 vs. B&W 804 vs. faber grand piano

I am looking to stay under $3,000 used. The only one I have heard is the sonus, faber. I liked it. I also have had jm labs in the past, so they are not out of the question either, I like there sound siquature.

The speakers will be used for Home theater use also. I mainly listen to rock music.

What I want is a speaker that is very fast, tight bass, with great imaging. Also I kind of like a speaker to be a little on the bright side, but not fatiguing.

Oh and the amps will be a theta Dreadnaught or Bell Canto ref II's.

Thanks for the help in advance!
If you can believe reviews, there's a comparison between 3.0 and 3.1 on
What will match good with the 3.1s like center and surrounds? Or do I have to stick with the gallo line?
Back to the original questions.

SF - colored, and too warm sounding. It's cool if you like SF (no flames plz), but if you are looking for fast, accurate sound, this is not where it's at

B&W - I agree with most above posters. I have heard great sound out of 802N and larger B&Ws, but only with huge krell amps in front. The smaller ones have also sounded thing, bright, fatiguing, and boring to me

Gallo - These have piqued my interest personally. They are fast, detailed, and image and soundstage great. They have a unique percussive effect to the highs which I like. I'm strongly considering purchasing a new pair from a local dealer after auditioning them in home
"01-30-09: Him
What will match good with the 3.1s like center and surrounds? Or do I have to stick with the gallo line?"

With multi-speaker set ups it is best that the speakers be as close in sound as possible. So yes, you should stick with the Gallo line.

Why is it that no one asks if they can use different speakers on the left and right channels of their stereos?