Gain matching of power amps

How important is it to have amps of same gain when using amps from different manufacturers in a horizontal biamp? Currently using Audiolab 8000P's(29db gain) in vertical biamp configuration, but need to tame metal tweeter top end. Looking at McCormack(40db gain), and Classe power amps(anyone know the gain of these) as a solution. Do you have recommendation for other power amps that have a warm presentation that might suit? Does it matter if amps have different power ratings? Audiolab's are 100W, would you recommend more, less or same power for tweeter?

Showing 3 responses by sean

I agree with Herman. Having worked with many multi-amp set-ups, you have to do the best that you can possibly do to gain match the amps. If you don't, you'll run into some very "strange" problems in tonal balance and dynamic range that could vary frequency range to frequency range. Sean
Herman, I bet your opinion of me is bolstered when i agree with you : ) I bet that there are a lot of others that wish i would shut up :(

Honestly though, it's good that you and a few others take the time to present "details" and "formulas". It gives many of the others a good idea of what it takes to make this stuff tick and how engineers do their work. As mentioned, it is science that has gotten us this far in audio reproduction and forgetting that might be a grave mistake. Sean
Sorry to take a step backwards here, but the difference between using a good quality active crossover and bi / tri / quad amping and passively multi-amping with passive crossovers is STAGGERING to say the least. More "junk" in the signal path ( active crossover ) will almost always produce results that you've never dreamed of if you have the time and know-how to dial it all in. However, you do have to take the passive crossovers out of the speaker circuit, resulting in "direct drive" from amp to speaker. MUCH, MUCH better. Sean