Gain matching of power amps

How important is it to have amps of same gain when using amps from different manufacturers in a horizontal biamp? Currently using Audiolab 8000P's(29db gain) in vertical biamp configuration, but need to tame metal tweeter top end. Looking at McCormack(40db gain), and Classe power amps(anyone know the gain of these) as a solution. Do you have recommendation for other power amps that have a warm presentation that might suit? Does it matter if amps have different power ratings? Audiolab's are 100W, would you recommend more, less or same power for tweeter?

Showing 1 response by miketw

Many thanks for the responses. Especially Herman, level of detail I wanted, and much appreciated. I have two matching power amps right now, so I know that this is the best gain match solution. May need to look at other alternatives to resolve tweeter problem. Currently using runs of Stealth Premier for both tweeter, and woofer. Maybe should look for a softer/darker cable for tweeter, recommendations?.
What is your view of going to a more powerful amp, and NOT bi-amping at all. Candidates, Classe 150/200, McCormack DNA 1/2, Audio Research D240/400?. Other recommendations? Would probably still want to biwire.