Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
i have the exact same sensitivities and system issues and run screaming from silveras anathema in my system, and, i think your analysis is apt for the rapture with the exception that, for me (of course), the differences between the rapture and the revelation are pretty out there in the open in my system particularly regarding soundstage, air and, mostly, that ineffable thing of involvement...and, you're right, it's hard to describe, so i am going to sit and listen and think and nap and do it all over again until it becomes clear and i'll get back to you with my thoughts......i can say that i intellectually appreciated the revelation, but my heart never sang out with or for them while my heart is an open chakra for musical experience with the rapture.....
Budburma *** I take it you have a mix of Rapture and Eden interconnects.I saw in previous threads that you were a big fan of the Extremes.

Did you replace your Extreme with the Eden?

I have not heard much on this thread about the Eden.

I'm guessing if the designer replaced the Extreme with the Eden that it's got to be better or at least pretty different.

Your view on this is appreciated and sure to be engaging
I just participated in my first Audiogon auction and won!!!! a pair of Eden.I do not have the vast experience as some of the members on this thread as I have been using Harmonic Technology Magic and ProSilway for years.Before the Harmonic Tech stuff I was using midline Audioquest for nearly a decade just buying the latest stuff my Audioquest dealer was suggesting.When the Edens arrived they were enclosed in a nice Black case with a bed of foam on the top and bottom protecting them.This was a very good first impression and far from the plastic wrapping my other cables have come in.The looks of the Eden were also very nice and made my HT's look bland.I placed the Eden
interconnects between my Plinius SA 100mk 3 and my Joule preamp.I should not be too quick to judge but I immediately felt that the recordings sounded more organic and a lot less electronic sounding if that makes sense.Piano,horns and acoustic guitars seemed lifelike and easy to listen to and I still had all the detail.I have the system on repeat eating up my tube time on the Joule and if the sound improves I'll even be more pleased .I m very happy with my first Audiogon purchase
Well Budburma, I don't think the Raptures and Revelations exhibited the differences in my system that they did in yours. To me they were different but not dramatically so. This is probably due to differences in our systems. Frankly, I could live with either one with no problem.
rja care to elaborate on the differences that you heard between the two cables in your set-up.I found the Raptures to have a bit more more detail with greater depth and staging.I also thought that the music took on much greater realism.I didn't think this possible after owning the Revelation,but it is so.They are definately in the same family which is great so they didn't lose any of the characteristics I love.I would compare the two in car terms as the Revelations being a BMW 328 and the Raptures being a BMW M3.You got a lot more under the hood and the suspension to do something with it.
I like you also use the Revelation speaker too so I'm curious to hear your thoughts.