Fyne Audio Vintage Classic Gold SP vs Tannoy Legacy models

Hi all, I’m curious to know if anyone has had experience with the newer Fyne Vintage Classic Gold SP line and how they might compare to the Tannoy Legacy line.

I currently own and am generally happy with a pair of Coatbridge built Legacy Arden’s. The wide baffle design works for my room, and they provide great imaging. The only reason I’m eyeing the Fyne Classic line is their similar design approach (wide baffle, concentric drivers), in addition to what sounds like a number of component and cabinet upgrades.

Given the Fyne’s slightly larger cabinet dimensions I’d be stepping down from a 15” to 12”LF driver, but if the specs are to be believed, the Fyne’s 12” has the capacity to play lower.

If anyone has heard the newer Fyne lineup, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

