Future DACs with Fibre Optical

I am going to need a DAC in Sept - Dec 2023 timeframe. I sold 2 Musetec 005's and 2 Sonore OpticalRendu's this week to buy a used Lumin X1. I am happy with the move since it replaced a bunch of boxes and streaming LPS's.

I was planning to use the Lumin X1 with my Livingroom  speakers direct to amp. However, when I tried the X1 with my Benchmark LA4 preamp and AHB2 monos I did not want it to leave the office system. It is rather nice combo to my KEF LS50 Meta speakers.

The main reason I got the X1 was the fibre optic streaming input. It is an excellent streamer to the internal DAC and also my external Benchmark DAC3B (used for headphones). I think the OpticalRendu maybe a touch better streaming, but both are great.

I kept 1 extra Sonore OpticalRendu around for a future DAC. Though I would prefer to find a DAC with built-in streaming fibre like the Lumin X1. Are there any upcoming DACs or upgrades to existing DACs that will incorporated fibre input streaming, like the Lumin X1?

My thinking on this is to use the remaining OpticalRendu streamer with either another  Musetec 005 or Mola Mola Tambaqui or get another Lumin X1 to go fibre. The X1 will also go direct to amp and the Musetec 005 and Tambaqui would be paired with a 2nd LA4 preamp. So that is a lot of boxes if I do not go Lumin X1  fibre again. In the Livingroom, a lot of living goes on, so I want to have as few boxes (or small form factor so easy to hide).

It would be very convenient if new DACs came with fibre. It is generally agreed that fibre is an excellent way to stream. I personally only stream fibre.


Showing 3 responses by nosualc

I'm also an X1 owner; one of things that attracted me was the SFP (fiber) port. Seems like an obvious cheap and easy end-run around the electronic noise that may accompany ethernet connections.

I know there are lots of other avenues to pursue same objective, but I'm unconvinced that they are superior to the simplicity of a direct fiber path.

Knowing that nothing is forever, and that I'll eventually get an itch to upgrade what is my only source, I would very much like to stay fiber when I do.

Reading tea leaves, the X1 was introduced in 2018. That's nearing 5 years now. Lumin seems to be pretty aggressive about updating their hardware (if even just to solve their own component supply problems).

I don't think it too far a leap to speculate that it may be due for an upgrade (X2?) soon. Maybe? When they do, I'll certainly take notice.

Well, true, but no company will announce (or even mention) a new product that supersedes their current offerings until it is imminent. It kills sales.

A corollary is that no company can afford to stand-pat in a competitive market. Without further innovation they wither and die. 

LOL, I hear you. Luckily for me the EtherRegen has been unobtainium, so temptation to experiment with one hasn't been a possibility.