Fusion Audio Romance Series

Has anyone bought or tried Eric's new Romance series? I bought his Romance 1's and highly recommend them. Best cables I have owned so far. I have to say Eric was right when he said the interconnects were like inserting a 300B in your system. I also have his Impulse powercord and it is giving me very good results.
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Showing 1 response by dbyni

I've had Erics Romance ic's between my dac and pre for 2 months now and am extremely happy with them. They have added the magic to my system that I have been looking for. Everything is now more palpable like I can reach out and touch it. I use Eric's power cables the Enchanter and Impulse which I tried after reading all the great reviews on audiogon. Eric really worked with me to dial in my system. When he recommended his new IC the Romance I agreed to a home trial and haven't looked back.
Not only are his cables top notch but his passion and willingness to help you achieve the sound your looking for are second to none. Highly recommended.