Fuse or braker for dedicated lines?

I'll install a sub pannel for dedicated line, and don't know which one is better fuse or breaker? How big is the wire should I use between the main pannel to the sub pannel? Will the sound be better if I use sub pannel over using the main pannel for dedicated lines?
Will, just for interest's sake, have you tested what you are contesting, or do you know as much about it as you do about cancer surgery?
It is hardly your message, which seems irksome to me, after all, we are entitled to our opinions, besides, I like and respect many of your posts, it is rather, this time around, your attitude of (to me) mildly unctuous condescension, your tone of voice, so to speak, which I find quite out of place here.
Albert YOU the man! For a long time I've been considering experimenting with exactly what you propose: ceramic 3AG internal fusing vs. the original factory glass envelopes. Now I'm really motivated --- where's my phillips screwdriver?
All I know is that my refrigerator seems colder and my lights brighter when I use ceramic fuses. Oh, and my computer seems faster and toast pops up higher as well. I'm a believer.
Vdub, I suppose you don't help much with household chores, because you forgot to mention that carpets are vacuumed in about half the time with ceramic fuses installed! Cheers,
Assuming that the ceramic fuse does make a difference. Placing a ceramic fuse in the amp etc.. the effect would be heard.

If you were to use a ceramic fuse at the breaker we can assume the effect would also be heard.

Now we add a power conditioner that is suppose to remove noise etc.. off the AC line. Wouldn't the PC negate anything the breaker fuse did to the AC?

Next question...Anyone place ceramic fuses in thier speakers?