Furutech DeStat usage

Can someone tell me the best way to utilize the DeStat?

Should I use it while the record is in my hand or while it's on the turntable platter?

Thanks in advance!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtheaudioassociation

Showing 3 responses by theaudioassociation

Hey Theo!

Thanks for the response! That's exactly what I tried last night with great success. It seemed to have significantly lowered the pops and clicks I had previously heard on some of the vinyl spinning last night.

Happy Listening!

Wow.... sucks to be me right now. Wish I had known this sooner. Always seems to be newer, better stuff just around the corner! Oh well!
Good point Ebm! Thanks for making me feel better about my purchase. You are right... so far 100% effective and loving it!
