Furutech Destat or Walker Talisman or both?

What is the best way to get rid of surface static on vinyl.
Who has ever made a comparison between these two products? Or am I wrong to even consider them a choice beween each other, I realize they are two different animals but seem to have similar claims.

Showing 1 response by rushton

Theo, I haven't used a Destat, but I do use a Walker Talisman. The Talisman works very effectively here for static elimination and delivers a sonic benefit even when there is no static.

As I've noted in another thread, the benefits I hear when using the Talisman are pretty consistent and repeatable: greater clarity through the midrange, particularly noticeable in the harmonic overtones on strings; blacker backgrounds; often a top end that sounds more extended and pure; better delineation of a broader, deeper and more layered soundstage. The difference is subtle, but very defintely audible and repeatable across four different audio systems.

I recommend it.