Furtwangler's 9th on Arkipel.

I am listening to recording from 1954 of Wilhelm Furtwangler conducting LvB 9th. The 24 bit remastering really gives a sense of presence.

Showing 1 response by richardfinegold

Comparing a performance from 70 years ago to a new recording with the latest technologies is nonsense. My point when I started the thread was that this particular remastering makes the performance more immediate and compelling than we are used to hearing with recordings of this vintage.
I have about 15 recordings of the 9th, including 3 SACD versions (Vanska, Masur, Herreweghe ). Furtwangler is a special musician , whatever his politics were. Are his recordings "better" than other famous conductors? No answer to that, but I don't think that any of the worthy conductors mentioned above will be generating this kind of discussion 50 years after their demise.