Furniture-grade cd storage

Metal and/or plastic like Boltz don't suit - I'm a wood kind of guy. Minimum 300 capacity, 500 preferred. Willing to pay up for good quality. Three weeks of searching the web and haven't found anything that I really like. Save me from simply having to settle.

Many thanks.

Showing 1 response by leoturetsky

I may get a laugh but I bought mine from BMG ( They used to have a 500, a 1000, and a 1500. I paid either $125 or $150 for the 1000. The black oak matches my black oak Thiels exactly. I used an IKEA dresser mounting strap (screws into the rack and wall) and it's literally unmovable. It came with more than enough shelves (I have three or four stacked on the bottom) and plenty of holes so you can store almost anything on it. I'm gonna be looking for another one soon to store my VHS tapes and DVDs. I can't seem to find it on their web site but I remember it being in their accessories catalog.