Funny question, 170lb speaker and foam base, how to remove?.

I got large speakers shipped recently but I am yet to find a way to safely remove bottom foam base which the speaker seems to firmly sit on. 

The foam holds the speaker base, and the speakers feet are in the foam. Is there no way to safely remove the foam without wrecking it?.

Lifting the speaker is just not possible, nor tilting it, the foam is pretty thick and the speaker cannot be made to slide out of the foam since feet are wedged into holes in the foam base.

I wonder how people deal with large speakers shipped to their homes seems like quite a task unboxing and placing etc.

Showing 12 responses by geek101

Yikes!, have to get three bodies to try to lift it few inches so I can remove the base?. 

Well I do not understand the "dealer" is going to do this by himself. Is he going to come with extra bodies just for this?. 

I wanted to try placement and setup initial at two different areas in the room, decide and then call him. 
I was expecting white glove but I realized when they arrived I am on my own. I am still unable to understand it. But decided to deal with it for the love of sound.
The speakers are packaged in way that there is like a door. I had to slide them out of the packaging. No way turn them upside down and even if I did the ceiling is not high enough.

The dealer is quite a ways away like few hundred miles.

I am planning on spending more than few hours with various placement options before he shows up. 

@douglas_schroeder I am so glad my significant other liked the sound so much that they won't be returned!!.

Going to wrestle with them safely to get rid if the base, I am going to put the top and mid foam on and lower the speaker flat and remove the base. Not quite sure if I can get them upright safely after however. We will see!!.
@2psyop They come with room correction in the price but can be upgraded to Legacy Wavelet with SUT implementation. The Wavelet also serves as Preamp, DAC. The DAC is good as far as I can tell I could not make out any difference to my reference DAC Audio-gd Master 6 yet!. 
@rocknss Yes I did upgrade the processor to Wavelet. Aeris comes with Wavelaunch Processor by default which you can upgrade to Wavelet.

The upgrade is strongly recommended when buying a speaker at this price point. I did not have a preamp so I got the upgrade.
@rocknss you should definitely take a listen, look for dealer near by. I listened to many speakers at RMAF some obscenely pricey!!.

To me only Sanders system sounded better when compared to many others. Legacy sound is a also quite consistent across the range. There is a level of engineering effort into these speakers that I like and less of Voodoo stuff which I prefer.

I think full range, actively amplified with room correction with sound leaning towards neutral but effortless listening for hours on end is really what I was going for. But at this price there is no match in my opinion, if you can live with the size of them(they are big!!) I would go for Aeris else Focus XD(just a tad smaller), Signature SE and the new Calibre XDs are really good. You can notice the difference however as you listen to each speaker but I would have liked to spend more hours critically listening to each setup, similar configured(level matched sound and using same electronics, correction and room etc) before deciding if I could do over.

@ozzy I going to try the same :) thanks for boosting my confidence in handling them.

I got a good discount and purchased them at RMAF this year. Perhaps it was RMAF, I got a good discount. I did not ask for more after they offered me discount, free shipping. You should ask. 
Thanks everyone I followed the instructions of putting the boxes on and laying the speaker flat and removing the base. Just two of us were able to pull it off without any problem. 

@zephyr24069 Thanks for the offer, I will take it up soon. Still setting up and trying different spots. How far apart are the Aeris when you set it up and how far from each speaker do you sit when listening?.
@zephyr24069 cool, I have set them up at 8.5ft apart and sitting 10ft from them. Left speaker is 2 ft from side wall and 3 ft from back wall however. 

How did you integrate with home theater ? or did u not?. The marquis XD center is big! , I mean it is huge. Need to find a way to conceal it, lol! else it might not survive!.
@rocknss congrats. I did integrate into my HT. I use wavelet for 2.1 channels, wavelet 
correction is always on. Reciver calibration is done with a preset volume on Wavelet. There are two inputs on wavelet you can use for left and right from reciever. My 2 channel bliss is via USB input. So bypassing the reciever path for it. 

The sub gets two inputs one from wavelet and other from reciever. 

I hope this helps.