Funk TT running sloooow

My Funk vector mk1 runs ok for about one album. Then winds down to 31-32 rpm and no amount of speed adjustment, belt adjustment, pulley checking or cursing makes a difference. Belt has been replaced, bearing looks ok.
Unfortunately not a lot of joy from the manufacturer. I am looking to replace the motor but can't see any identifying marks or label.
Anyone got a lead or tip?

Thanks for your replies Everyone.
I have heard somewhere Funk were using Premotec motors so will see if I can find there.
Yes the manufacturer did inform of a motor upgrade but would not give any pricing or ordering method (just a LITTLE frustrating)
And I agree Kinko65 a loverly neutral sounding TT with PACE when it's running well. This is why I am trying to resolve the speed problem.
Just for kicks I wonder what other kit everyone uses. I'm using the AR PH5 and Dynavector 20X H
Tubes baby tubes!
Well reviewed phono preamp and cart you own!

My setting is a little different:
Heavily modified RP3 that comes closer to RP8 standards, DV P-75 in enhancer mode, Lyra Delos, Cronus Magnum with set of Ultimo tubes (Tung-Sol and Genalex Gold Lion), GoldenEar Triton 7, Straightwire Maestro speaker/interconnect cables, APC power conditioner.

I am saving replace my little giant killer with either a CineMag 1131 blue SUT or Rogue Audio Ares with blue 1131 SUT.

Happy listening!

I'm trying to get off the audio roundabout as my next upgrade requires house with dedicated listening room...
