Fundamentalist Fervor

What is with the self-proclaimed "objectivist" contributors here who wrap themselves in the cloak of "science" and insist that they're faith based beliefs be accepted by all without question, challenge or doubt. I am not going to name these people here because it will likely result in this thread being deleted and that is not my intent but these "naysayers" as some here describe these people typically have no first hand experience with the matters upon which they produce they're pronouncements and proclomations and when challenged on that they recite their theory of some basic physics premise that is incomplete, improperly applied or not relevant or else they simply say it is a matter of common sense. You can identify these people easily because they have what Americans call a "trigger finger" and will rapidly label anything they don't understand as "snake oil" or "placebo-induced" or fairy dust and then demand that other's prove their claims with some test they say is easy to undertake but which they don't undertake themselves because they don't even have the product with which to experiment! They are a form of fundamentalists and my question is why do you think they are here what is their point if they don't hear differences at all?

Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

Having recently posted this, in response to a thread under, "Cables" and disliking typing(as much as I do), I’ll just copy/paste it(so you can hate it again): "Guys, if you don’t hear a difference... just don’t spend your $$, and let everyone else make their own decisions. You don’t need to make your opinion into a crusade" That statement makes SO MUCH sense! So too, do scientific facts, such as the dielectric absorption of various materials, skin effect(and Litz), electromagnetic induction and how various constructions(ie: braiding) can avoid it, the chevron shape of drawn wire crystals and how single-crystal wire(ie: Ohno copper or silver) is a MEASURABLY better conductor, etc, AND(especially) how much aural acuity can vary, just like ALL the other senses. BUT, then we have the vociferous neigh-sayers and their ubiquitous LAST WORDS : (how tedious!)
"....the best response is to think for yourself." That sounds so easy! Yet, there are so many, that take the LAZY(or, "miserly") way out:
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