Fun with AirPlay and ATV

  I’ve written before what a PITA AirPlay can be.  I just had a very frustrating experience last night.  It’s resolved now, and I think that the problem may be more of an Apple TV issue, but I am posting this because it might help others, and also because I welcome any comments.

  Our Niece graduated from DePaul last night.  Her proud parents are staying with us and attended. There are still Covid restrictions on guests and my wife really wanted to see the ceremony so we had the link.  She wanted to watch on the big screen instead of a computer.
  We rarely use AirPlay for video—I mainly use it for Music—perhaps 6 months have elapsed since the last time—so I tried it an hour beforehand from my iPad and of course, it didn’t work.  I called Apple Support, got a tech right away.  He had me try everything short of wearing my wife’s underwear backwards and nothing helped.  He then got a backup person.  By now the ceremony was 10 minutes away..

  I use Ethernet, and the first tech confirmed that I had done the latest updates on the iPad and the ATV.  Tech#2 said use WiFi.  So I unplugged the Ethernet cable and it still didn’t work.  #2 then said I would have to update the ATV, despite it being the latest OS.  Hit the reset button, ceremony in 5 minutes, and got the lovely message from Apple that the reset would take 3 hours, which it did.  Watched the ceremony on the dinky computer screen with smoke coming out of my ears.  When the reset was completed I then had to reload all of the apps.  We don’t use Cable, saving money by getting what we want with over the air TV and a few apps such as Netflix, so this took another half hour.  By now it’s bedtime.  I then tried AirPlay, which seemed to work, except that I was to busy deflecting the shoes my wife was throwing at the monitor to really experiment.

  I would use Chromecast if I could, but neither the monitor nor (naturally) ATV work with it.

  This is a First World problem, I realize, but all this technology that is supposed to improve our lives is going to finish me off by making my blood pressure go through the roof


Showing 1 response by amifoster

Hi! So I realised now that since the update to Airplay 2 I have issues with old airplay devices. It seems that apps, programs that were able to airplay to an ATV and send the audio to an Airport express are now completly ignoring this. Even selecting the audio source as Airport express on apple tv while airplayin from Mac or iPhone seems to close the program and end the airplay. The annoying thing is that it used to work and with Airplay 2, I would expect improvements in this regard. But the reverse is true. Anyone knows of a solution? MyCCPay