Full Range under $5k-ish

So the time has finally come to upgrade my speakers. I mainly listnm
 to vinyl with the occasional CD or AM/FM radio.

Here is my current setup:
Clearaudio Concept w/Concept MM
Parasound Halo P5
2 x Carver TFM-35x (bi-amp)
Definitive Technology BP-2002TL

I would like to stay under the $5k-ish mark. 
See if you can get your hands on a pair of used Anthony Gallo Acoustics Reference 3.5 or 3.1 speakers.  They are remarkably "full-range", and remarkable performers, considering their price (MSRP and on the used market).

Also, check out the GoldenEar Technology range of speakers.  They are very well reviewed and also seem to have a goal of presenting a "complete" frequency response.

My 0.02.  Enjoy the search.
Philharmonic Phil 3.  
25Hz at +/-2dB (Also, it states 85dB sensitive, but it’s actually 88dB sensitive from 30Hz and up).
Motorman is right . Do yourself a favor and listen to a pair of Bache audio tribeca 001.
I was at the NY audio show in Nov and there were only 2 rooms that had exceptional sound. the Harbeth room auditioning the m.40.2 at $15,000 a pair / and the Bache audio room auditioning a pair of tribeca 001 at $5500 a pair.
Two completely different sounding speakers of course. But wow it was nice to see/hear someone who knows how to make a full range speaker.
Fostex super tweeters at $1000 a pair,who does that !!
Anyway based on your stated music preference the tribeca’s will easily out perform anything else in your price range.
Good Luck
At about $5000 - from all reviews Revel can’t be matched. Not surprising as Hartman’s resources are simply unsurpassed. Best regards.