Full range speakers, 40"-44" max height

I do not like tall speakers, especially when the tweeters sit high.

My height requirement fulfill speakers like Wilson Sophia, WP even Sasha or Meridian 7000 (but this is digital only).

Any other comparable ones in quality with the above?

And I need to stay under 10k used market.


Showing 1 response by mike4597

Fyne Audio makes some fine (no pun intended, but it does fit) speakers.  Their F501 is under your height limit and within your price limit when new.  The F502s may be just over your limits but very close, when new as regards price.  The F702 might be in your price range used, although I suspect there are not many coming up for sale—I have a pair and think they are superb, and they are 43.7” tall.  The F500 series is made in China with MDF cabinets, and the F500SP and F700 series are made in Scotland with laminated hardwood cabinets, if I remember correctly.  There also are a number of other upgrades to those made in Scotland.  I am driving the F702s with a 100 wpc tube amp (Rogue Audio Stereo 100 “Dark”), and the sound is superb, with excellent imaging, tonal qualities, and three-dimensional sound stage.  My only criticism is a bit of weakness on the bass, but a sub would fix that.