Full range speaker recommendation

Looking for recommendations for full range speakers. 

price range is sub $6000. Current setup is Jeff Rowland 501 Mono Blocks, Jeff Rowland Capri Preamp, McIntosh MCD-350 SACD, Cambridge CXN streamer, Rega P6 with Songbird low Mc. 
Room is 17’x15’2” with vaulted ceiling. 
Currently have ATC SCM 11V2 with two REL S2 subs. 

any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙏

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Showing 1 response by strateahed

@blackbag20 +1

I generally refrain from commenting on something, unless I have firsthand experience. However, in this case there is a bit of reference and context. 

I met Jim Salk a couple of times at audio shows and listened to his different models. I really wanted the SS 8's (~$9,000); the latest was the SS 9.5 floor stander. Retailing for around $12,000, they were some of the best speakers at that show. 

Long story not as long ... the newest Salk offering is the BePure 2 ($6,000). According to Jim Salk  "this design is the best sounding speaker we have ever produced". To me that speaks volumes, and I plan on getting a pair in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future. Hope that helps.

Best wishes and Happy Listening!

P.S. - Jim Salk is a professional gentleman, very knowledgeable/helpful, and willing to answer any questions. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the company whatsoever.