Full loom of the same cable brand vs mixing and matching.

Some say, for synergy sake, you should use the same brand of cabling throughout your entire audio system (a full loom).  However, as an audiophile for over 25 years, I've never adhered to that philosophy.  As a matter of fact, I currently use three different brands of cables in my audio system with excellent results.  Do you stay faithful to one brand of cables in your audio system, or do you mix and match, as I do, and why?  

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@mitch2 I think it’s safe to say there’s a tremendous amount of overthinking and overpaying in this group.

When someone is seriously contemplating if it’s worthwhile to upgrade a $1500 power cable to a $4500 power cable, or they are surprised that they couldn’t hear a difference between the two, it has passed well beyond the threshold of sanity and reasonableness.

But it sure is entertaining to read about.

Just my ten cents of course. 

For type A neurotics with OCD tendencies, I recommend a mix-n-match until the compliment starts to seriously impact sleep and stress levels. For the religious and superstitious, a heavy dose of experimentation amongst brands will often yield the worst results, so I'd recommend full loom. 

I TRY to use the same brand (I've pretty much settled on SR), but it doesn't always work out that way.

The way I figure it, the cables were designed and engineered in their lab/equipment space using the other cabling from their own brand, so it stands to reason (at least to me) that the cabling would be "tweaked" to match.

Again, doesn't always work out that way.....but I try to stay in my lane, whenever possible.