JohnK, thanks for sharing your experiences. I built a large Snell Acoustics Type A-inspired system with downfiring woofer and port nearly twenty years ago, but I only used it in one room, which had a hardwood floor.
Raduray, there's more to a speaker working well in a corner than just the porting issue. You see, the walls that intersect right behind the speaker will act sort of like a giant horn and redirect energy that normally would have spread out to the sides, sending it towards the listening area. The result can be coloration if the speaker is putting a lot of energy off to the sides at some frequencies but not at others.
Loudspeaker radiation pattern is sort of my hobby within a hobby. I'll e-mail you offline about something that might work in your situation, as it addresses the port tuning issue and the radiation pattern control issue.
If you have any questions that might be of general interest, post 'em here and I'll offer my $.02 worth.