Front Stage - Which Amplifier

I'm building out a Atmos 11.2 system and I'm writing concerning the front end.

The mains are a pair of B&W Signature 800 speakers (these big boys are rated to handle 1000W and are 8 ohm rated but dip down under 3 ohms along their impedance curve on the low end) mated with a matching Signature HTM center speaker (250W rated). I have a pair of SVS-16SBs as well

I'm considering one of the following setups:

1 - three Bel Canto 600m mono-blocks (on to each of the three speakers)

2 - a Classe CT-5300 (bi-amping the mains with channels 1/2 + 3/4, using channel 5 for the center)

3- a Krell Chorus 7200 (bi-amping the mains with channels 1/2 + 3/4, using channel 5 for the center and channels 6/7 for a zone B in another room)

4 - an ATI 3307 (bi-amping the mains with channels 1/2 + 3/4, using channel 5 for the center and channels 6/7 for a zone B in another room)

5 - an Earthquake Cinenova Grande 7 (bi-amping the mains with channels 1/2 + 3/4, using channel 5 for the center and channels 6/7 for a zone B in another room)

I'm at a real loss here. Any thoughts or experiences with these amplifiers? My primary concern is stereo reproduction.

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