Fritz Speakers

Lots of good reviews and comments here about Fritz speakers. I spoke to Fritz a few times about 5-6 years ago when last looking for new speakers, but went in a different direction. I find myself in the market once more, re-considering Fritz, and focused on the Carreras right now but interested in his entire line.

In particular, I'm wondering if anyone can comment on their low-level listening qualities. That's how I spend a lot of my time with my system. Speakers like the Focals do really well at lower volumes, and I'm looking for a similar experience. Interested in any comments about the BE tweeters as well. Thanks.


Showing 1 response by bacobits1

I have the Fritz Carrera BE speakers since last Oct. Just added in May a Rythmic FT12SE sub. Only have room for one in my 12X16 highly treated room. More than enough easy integration.Crossed over around 45 Brian's Rythmic defaults are pretty close to what I'm set to running.

Rogue CMII amp, Yggdrasil+ LIM boards, PSA memory transport, Node2i.Yes I do vinyl too.

Super is all I gotta say!
