Fritz Carrera or other possibilities!

     I am currently shopping for monitor speakers in the $4000 price range new or used. The reviews for the Fritz Carerra's are very positive and I'm trying to explore all my options before making a decision. My room is 12x15x8. My current monitor speakers are about 4 ft. out from the wall behind them and 3 ft. from the side walls. I can be flexible with placement. This seems to work well with my current speakers.

     I don't have a lot of room treatments, but have enough soft furniture in the room that helps with absorption. I also have 2 GIK Soffit Bass traps in the corners behind the speakers, which really helped to tighten up the bass. I will be augmenting the speakers with 2 Rythmik F-12 subwoofers and I would prefer monitors, but am open to other suggestions. The room is not too overly damped or too lively, seems to be just about neutral. I sit about 10 feet from the speakers and they are about 8 feet apart in an equilateral triangle. I'm also about 2 feet from the wall behind me. I pretty much like all types of music from rock to classical to bluegrass and jazz. I'm looking for speakers that will sound good with all types of music. I like to hear warm detailed but not overly bright speakers. My limit new or used is $4000. I live in the Northeast so it's all but impossible to audition speakers in my area. Any suggestion or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!



Dehavilland Ultraverve III tube preamp

D-sonic amplifier M3a-800s 400 watts into 8ohms

Sony XA-5400 SACD player

2 Rythmik F-12 subwoofers and a Velodyne SMS-1. 


Showing 2 responses by arafiq


People kept looking around the room for the subs but found none. 

Yep, that sounds about right. With my previous speakers I was using a REL T9i to augment the lower frequencies. The bass that the Carrera BE's produce is so satisfying and balanced that I sold my sub. Not needed anymore.

@johnc5 I have the Fritz Carrera BE speakers in my home office system. I have gone through a number of speakers in this system and to date nothing has come close to Fritz at that price point. Of course, you can find better but you will have to spend double if not more. Last week, I moved the amp used in my main system (Audio Hungary a50i) to the office just to see how it works with Fritz speakers. Boy was I amazed! The holographic imaging, deep and wide soundstage and perfectly proportioned bass that I was getting from these little fellas ... almost like a floor stander. What this tells me is that the high quality parts and design allow these speakers to scale as you throw more expensive amplification at them.

Last year, I had done a shootout between Fritz Carrera BE, Harbeth M30.1 (which I had owned for a couple of years at that point), and Proac D2Rs. You can read my review here ...

To make a long story short, I sold my Harbeths and purchased the Fritz after a month of auditioning them. The sound quality, build, and value that Fritz offers in this rather unassuming speaker (in terms of appearance) is fantastic. And these speakers will match and scale along with much more expensive gear in the future should you go in that direction.

The one caveat that I can offer is that the tweeter in the BE series can be a bit hot on the top with some solid state amps, especially if they lean towards neutral or thin sounding. You will either need a warm sounding SS amp, or better yet, a tube amp. They are not hard to drive so even a moderately-powered tube amp will drive them well. To me, the tube and Fritz Carrera BE combo is very special. They are very balanced top to bottom and have more of a crisp modern sound with just enough warmth to make your music enjoyable. Also, the bass that comes out of these fellas is also quite something. Fritz offers a generous return policy which not only makes it easier to audition in your home but also tells you something about the confidence he has in his speakers.

A couple additional caveats: Since it’s a rear ported speaker you have to make sure you have at least 18 inches of clearance from the wall behind it. They can sound a bit boomy if placed too close to the wall. Also, the break-in can be rather long, but not unusually long. For me, it took almost 150 hours before they showed me what they were capable of.

You should definitely give them a chance. Made right here in the USA by a master craftsman who has been at it for almost 50 years now.