Fritz Carrera BE review link!

Write up:

Virtual System with Pictures:

I hope this review is helpful and provides useful insight! 
As Always, Happy Listening!

Showing 3 responses by b_limo

Thanks Scratcha!

I’ve not researched those Eminent Technology LFT 8b’s... they look very interesting and look to be quite the bargain!  Thanks for giving me something to read up on this evening 😁
I have to admit that you are right... they are exceptional speakers; I would classify them as great.  I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression about them.
@djones51, Thanks for your kind words!  The STR is awesome!  I wish I could afford it.  The new Yamaha s2100 and s3000 look awesome too...

I enjoy my little humble stereo room very much.  Its therapy for me.  I have really enjoyed the smart lighting in there.  For about $150 I have 8 light bulbs in there that I can change the color and brightness of, each one from my phone.  You can save “scenes” as well!  Fun stuff.

I can’t believe how many phenomenal set-ups are in “virtual systems” here.  Many many rooms that just blow mine out of the water but mine still brings me joy 😊 I would have no clue about any of this if it weren’t for the members here sharing their expertise and knowledge, and photos of their listening rooms so I am appreciative of that!